DSVV heartly welcomes you to join the network
Let’s all together harness the power of Alumni Association Stay connected to your DSAA family

Dev Sanskriti Alumni Association (DSAA) considers its alumni as the reflection of its past, representation of its present and a link to its future. DSAA aims to foster a global community of engaged alumni, serve as a resource for that global community and provide an organization to serve and promote mutual interests of Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya and its alumni. DSAA engages in that mission by:
with the university to provide opportunities for alumni to engage and connect with the university and each other, and to assist with programs and events.
alumni to contribute their time, talent and resources to Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalya towards its mission.
the entire alumni community and the university on issues of mutual interest
Communicating needs and news, and celebrating the innovative achievements of Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalya and its alumni
Providing and promoting
opportunities for volunteer engagement, professional association, career development, leadership and fellowship among alumni
Members of DSAA can have some unparalleled and exceptional opportunities for Personal, Professional, Familial, Social and Spiritual benefits towards Holistic Wellbeing
DSAA intents towards connected, informed, updated, engaged team of alumni who celebrates, share, care, prosper and uplift themselves as well as others for all-inclusive welfare.
DSAA will allow us to roll out new programs and services for all dsvvians. DSVV is committed to creating a culture of engagement, connection and philanthropy, and highlighting the important role our alumni play within the university community and beyond.
DSAA is structured on several parameters in order to foster communication and engagements amidst alumni and dsvvians associated with Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya
Dev Sanskriti Alumni Association’s (DSAA’s) broader vision connects not only the students who studied here rather through them we consider their family and friends a part of our global fraternity. DSAA involves students studying at Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya too. It aims at facilitating a bridge amid current students and alumni DSVV to reduce college to corporate (work place)
#MakingDSVVProud #ProudToBeDSVVian
An Online Workshop For DSVV Alumni

#Convocation #Gallery
Why Come To Home
Alumni Meet

Reconnect with old -
Reunion gives you a chance to meet friends you haven’t seen in years. It is an opportunity for you to come back and meet old friends, and some professors. It is a good occasion to talk about your memories, and see how your alma mater has grown since you left. It gives you a chance to go back where it all started, and appreciate how far you have come.
Giving Back -
Reunions also give you an opportunity to give back to your alma mater. You could contribute to a particular initiative or a social cause.
how your Alma mater pride -
taking pride in talking about the role your alma mater played in shaping your personality and future to current students and faculty, makes them feel they are part of something special. It also gives you reassurance why you chose this institute.
how your Alma mater pride -
Interaction with current students and faculty, gives them a chance to gain from your life and work experiences. Networking leads to possible internships and maybe even job opportunities for students
Create new memories -
by participating in and enjoying the activities of your reunion with your batch -/class-mates, you create new memories. Take pictures, take videos as these will not be forgotten and will provide everyone with another reason to come back next year.